Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Going, going, gone

This post is kinda sentimental. 

As I wrap up my last week of classes I can't help but feel a little emotional—sad yet happy, relieved but yet stressed. 
Finals week is only in a few days and as much as I want to say hasta la vista baby to this semester and hit the beach—I don't want my freshman year to ever end.

I guess it's true when the seniors say, "enjoy it—because it's over before you know it".

It feels like just last month that I was stuffing the car with my crisp new bedding, my own personal Keurig (still the greatest investment um EVER), 95% of my wardrobe, shoes, books and basically my whole life as I knew it at home—all jammed into the back of the car ready to move up to Providence.

It's these moments—walking down my dorm hall for the first time, meeting my roommates, saying goodbye to mom and dad, taking my first shower in the communal bathroom (which btw, is not all that bad as some horror stories make it out to be), my view of Schneider arena, my first two hour civ seminar, and going out to college night life for the first time—woo hoo!—all these things and many more, are what make me nostalgic of that first week/month of adapting to my new life at college.

So is the same for any new adjustment in life—enjoy it. Be in the moment and take it all in because it's going to be going, going, gone, in the blink of an eye;

and man, did I blink fast. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Happy as a clam

Oh happy day oh, happy last Monday!

I'm as happy as a clam at high tide, a kid in a candy store, a college student on the Monday of the last week of classes—ditto to the last one.

Last week of class means final projects and presentations—which was my case today in my marketing class. Good thing I came to school heavily stocked with business casual dresses because they sure have come in handy this semester. 

This scalloped dress by J. Crew has to be the most comfortable dress I own—I've been wearing it since 7:00 AM and have not even remotely thought about changing out of it. 
In fact, I'm in love with this dress so much—I bought it on sale in a bright coral color—I just could not pass it up.

Unfortunately, J. Crew does not sell this dress anymore—but they have designed a new version of it and I am dying to try it on.

I really love the ladylike and delicate touch that scallops can add to a dress or even shorts—like these shorts from Lilly Pulitzer or this dress from Topshop.

Nothin' says warmer weather is coming upon us like scallops—am I right?  


Sunday, April 27, 2014

Get your reading specs on

Forget the contacts—hand over the glasses.

Whenever I'm feeling sluggish or even a little studious & quirky, I break out the specs.
I've worn contacts since the 6th grade and well, my eye sight isn't getting any better—but have no fear! Thankfully there are hundreds of styles of eye glasses out there to help solve my problem. 

Currently I have two pairs—those shown above are my, "A-full day-of-DWC-reading-and-I-need-to-feel-like-a-professor-otherwise-I-might-not-survive-this," by Brooks Brothers.

My other pair is by Versace—that pair is more my, "One-day-I'll-be-wearing-these-walking-in-the West Village-to-pick-up-my-kids-from-ballet-class-or-going-to-a-crunchy-granola-outdoor-market-to-get-groceries-for-the-week."

....I like to have options if you couldn't tell :)
If you are in the market for some glasses, I highly recommend starting your search at—they have the widest selection and that's where I was able to narrow down my options to different styles and brands.

Now I'm not done with you just yet.
It's Sunday, which means I like to leave you with some uplifting words to carry with you as you go into your week. 
At PC, we are required freshman and sophomore year to take a class called Development of Western Civilization—99% of students loathe the class and 1% zest for itI'm that 1%.

Also dubbed DWC—here is a little synopsis of what it entails taken from the Providence website;

"A Providence College education prepares a student to be someone, more than to do something. It prepares students to hear more when they listen, reach deeper when they think, and say more when they speak. The Development of Western Civilization (DWC) program is at the heart of this preparation.
You’ll explore human history through many perspectives — from literature to philosophy to theology to art, and more — from professors who nurture interdisciplinary thinking and relish collaborative teaching.
DWC will change the way you see the world by teaching you to find connections between seemingly unconnected ideas. "
So, to keep this sort and not let you X out of the screen just yet—I'll get to the good stuff.
I spent all last week learning about the 17th century French School of Spirituality—I read works by Francis De Sales, Jean-Pierre De Caussade and, Jean-Jacques Olier.

All right, I know you have to go flip the Sunday brunch pancakes, and I'm just stalling from doing laundry—so here's my favorite little tid-bit from "Abandonment to Divine Providence" by De Caussade

"For example, let's take a piece of stone destined to be carved into a statue...All I know is that I must stay immovable in the hands of the sculptor [God], and I must love him and endure all he inflicts on me to produce the figure he has in mind...what I do know is that his work is the best possible. It is perfect." 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Black, white & navy blue

Spring, I love ya—I truly do. 

Simply put and 120% true—Spring is my favorite season to dress for.
Who wouldn't feel inspired from the beauty of the budding trees, specks of green and rosy pink and the cloudless, sunny filled sky?!

All right, all right,  I think I talk about the weather too much—but I just can't help it. I'm a New England lady, I see all the seasons up here.

Let's get to the important stuff—like J. Crew. 

If you've been following my blog for a little while, (or even just by reading my two most recent posts) you know I loooove J. Crew to pieces. 
Today, I'm wearing a navy blue jeweled sweater and a pair of white factory 3" chino shorts.
My black & white color blocked flats are another story—and another store obsession—Target.

But in all seriousness...who doesn't love Target?! 

I've been doing a little (ha!) Spring browsing online—J. Crew factory is really bringing it for me this season with an array of patterned and solid shorts and with 25% off—I mean just look!

And all of Target's Spring shoes, home furnishings, dresses, bathing-suits?! I can't even begin to start posting links—you have to see it yourselfit's to too good.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

In bloom

Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the blooms are so delightful!

I would not call today's weather ideal...and by that I also mean my wardrobe options.
 It was not my smartest decision to send all of my pants and coats home before April has ended—now I know the saying stays true, April showers, bring May flowers.

Nevertheless, I made the best of the gloomy day and my cold, wet legs and embraced the rain with my navy blazer and lilac shorts. 
I have to admit, it made me quite happy that I coordinated with the blooming cherry trees around campus with my lilac shorts—oh it's the little things that make me smile. 

Just like the blooms all over Providence—a small and beautiful reminder that warmer days are ahead, finals will soon be over, and I will be found on a beach with Vogue magazine and an ice-cream in my hands.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Special findings

I'm on a treasure hunt.

Not just any hunt thought—a hunt for unusual and extraordinary findings—discovering things like the little townhouses snuggled together on the small streets of Philadelphia. Or a vintage alligator skin bag found burrowed at the bottom of a basket in a consignment shop.
Well, these two findings have already come across my map and have left me hungry for more out of the ordinary treasure.

Philadelphia is known for its historical sites, narrow streets, and tiny and quaint townhouses—easy to say I was in my glory this weekend when my family and I spent all day Saturday just wandering the city. 

Here are only a few of hundreds (no over exaggeration—I took 436 photos—and no shame) of snapshots I took from this weekend I hope you enjoy them just as much as I did taking them.
