Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Power hour

AKA the golden hour.

In case you haven't noticed—I'm a sucker for the sun.
The morning sun tickles me pink & the evening's glow makes me swoon.

After a quick trip into Westerly, RI yesterday, naturally I swung down by my beloved homeland, 
Watch Hill.
After I marched up that sandy dune I know oh too well—two decades of hiking it after all—I reach the mound's zenith.

To me, this is the best view in the house. 
I was transported straight to summer-mode.
I turned around and I saw my beach town below...

The sun worshipers venturing off their frying pans (or beach towels) just for a minute to kick back a cold one or browse around the shops.
The harbor zipping with boats coming to and fro, silently gliding around each other.

I turn around, and I had an endless view of the Ocean. 
I can spy the tip of one sandy point to the next—with the lighthouse jutting out in-between. 

I found myself free after a long day's work—having left my shoes in the shop, the only thing between me and bliss was, well, nothing.
The sand under my toes—bliss.
The low setting sun making the town appear trimmed in gold—bliss.
The sand taking on a new color and a softer feel like it's straight from the Sahara—bliss.

This is where I can release.
This is the spot that I come to whenever I need to stand in awe.
Whenever I need to be reminded that I have a beautiful creator who is in control of my life.

This spot—regardless of the 20 degree wind at this time of year—is where I find my joy.

If I'm ever told to "imagine yourself in your favorite place"—I climb that sandy dune and come right up here. 


Thursday, March 12, 2015

O Captain! My Captain!

Our fearful trip is done.

Should I continue on, my fellow lit—or Walt Whit—lovers?
Maybe I'll save it for another day—I knew one day that brain mushing exercise (which seemed to stem from that place we call school) of memorizing poem after poem would come in handy...sort of.

But O heart! Heart! Heart!

We all have tough weeks.
Some are tough physically, others mentally.
 & some, are really tough emotionally—within our hearts.

But we are to have soft hearts—to be able to recognize emotions, have empathy and display kindness. 
Particularly on those physically or mentally daunting days, we might feel sturdy with our emotions and ready to take on a day full of other's emotions;
But that's where we need to hit pause and express our heart for others.

& we need to have heart in order to do this.
In other words, with our will & courage we can see the light at the end of the "tunnel of tough times". 
  We can have heart to not give up, to try again.
We have heart in order to have courage—to speak up or to challenge ourselves.

So—rise up and hear the bells!

My good ole buddy John has some words for you...

"I have told you these things so that in Me you will have peace.
In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart,
I have overcome the world."


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Lighten up

I didn't even need a coat yesterday.

But of course I opted to wear one because even in the midst of our 45 degree heat wave—I can't quite kiss my beloved coats goodbye for the season yet.

I need this time of year.
The "mid-March to beginning of spring" days when the sun is high and mighty bright and your heart flutters because maybe, just maybe, you can shed a layer of sweaters today—or bust out the ballet flats and shove those mucky snow boots back in the closet.

Ah—bare skin, meet daylight. 

Well, I don't know about you, but I already am miss antsy pants waiting for the day I can shed the sweaters and bare my shoulders.
I am over the boots and yes, *tear*, even my darling white winter coat.

To save my sanity—as I do in many other instances—I hopped and clicked on over to J. Crew.
With a $25 gift card burning a hole in my pocket, I knew I needed to get something...
something more optimistic for spring than snow.

A classic short, black rain boot? 
Sold to the girl wearing suede boots in the slush all around campus because frankly she's given up on avoiding the mush since it. is. everywhere.

Can I get an amen to that from my fellow New Englanders?!
 Bostonians, come on I know you're out there buried in dirty snow mounds somewhere.

Anyway, these little boots are my warming up my calves to soon bare the elements—they are perfect for kicking through the melted puddles—or more like pools—of snow as if saying HA! 

Spring is coming.
Warmer days are ahead.
And these boots are made for walkin' & that's just what they'll do.   


Friday, March 6, 2015


Cheers to the twentieth year.

It just so happens I was born during the notorious midterm week.
That torturous week that separates all stir crazy/pale/drained college kids from the bliss of vitamin-D and a "no obligations zone".

It's true, I've hit a new decade—the big 2.0 on March 2. 

Although I did not have any big B-day plans—expect a hot date with the library later that night—I had a wonderful day. 
The sun was shinning, I broke in my new cream & navy tee with my favorite statement ring—cause heck turning 20 is a statement!

The true celebration was yesterday—when I got to check off my last midterm off the list and pack up for a week at home.
When my mind was focused on all the real fruit and sleep I would be spoiled to for a week, my thoughts were quickly sidetracked.

My mother had outdone herself again—a little cluster of gifts beautifully wrapped in pale blushes, creams and gold—she knows the way to my heart.

Little trinkets, some Lulu, and the new J. Crew style guide—I'd call that a mighty successful Birthday, wouldn't ya say?


Sunday, March 1, 2015


I've got spring coming outta my ears.

"Only a little while longer"
I say to myself as it snows yet again out the library window...sigh.

Well actually quite magically too since tomorrow is my birthday and there is always that chance of the God-sent email that says classes are canceled.

Now that's a birthday gift.

These earrings are an J.Crew x Lulu Frost colab they did a while back and they are one of my go-to pairs of earrings.

The colors are fun and surprisingly enough they go with just about everything.
They add that special pop to any mundane white tee or simple turtleneck.

Earrings are my go to jewels.
I have an ever-growing collection—and I'll admit it.
Sometimes I just buy a pair if they are pretty enough to sit around—colors, shinny things, they make me happy ok?

But these babies, these are keepers and I will wear them even in the midst of a snow storm because we always need a friendly reminder that spring is just around the corner.
