& ready to take on summer.
Well, I am more than rested, refreshed and revitalized.
After my trip to Europe—which was wonderful and breathtakingly beautiful—I wanted a taste of my own backyard.
I grabbed my flip flops—which 99% of the time, just end up becoming a hand accessory since I opt for bare feet—and headed down the street to my hometown beach.
No matter where I go around the globe, no where has ever made me so overcome with joy like my beach.
When I reached the wooden bridge that brings you over to the beach, a little determined pair of fishermen, brother and sister, were set up on each side fishing around for crabs or pretty much anything that would take a nip at the bit of hot dog tied at the end of their line.
I swear I had a flashback—that used to be me and my brother holding on to each side shouting back and forth, "I got one! One is coming under the bridge, catch him!"
I bet they thought I was weird, watching them crab and then standing there to cheer them on.
I couldn't help it—that was my childhood in front of me, all reenacted with the same gusto & enjoyment we used to have with capturing all sorts of sea critters.
I'm still a kid—I'm not 80 and recalling my "well, back when I was a kid" kinda days, but I'm still growing up & heading towards those wise years. I've still lived 19 years however—I've experienced tough times, whether it be through pain, heart aches, health, it all adds up.
My little beach trip made me realize though that every year holds something special—even if you think it was the suckyiest of all sucky and nothing good happened at all.
Chances are that's a lie—something good did come out of a tough year.
No, actually, rather something great came with it—character.
As I left the tiny fishermen behind me and walked on down the wooden path, I decided that what I needed was to go fishing again—and that's just what I'm going to do.
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