Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Hey there

Ciao! I'm Alex

This might be old news for some but for those of you who just happened to mosey by and are new to my blog, let me catch you up on

Who Alex is.

I enjoy sunsets and long walks on the beach...JK I have a passion for
good writing and literature (I actually kept all my literature and history books) and would never start a post with a cliché—but as a disclaimer I really DO like those things.

Let's restart.

When adventure calls, I’m there.
Whether it's trekking Machu Picchu—check, climbing Sydney Harbor Bridge—check.
You can always find me leading the pack or lending a hand to those behind.

Summertime sun on a beach, sand squished between my toes, salty sea in my hair equals bliss in my heart.

Painting, early mornings, J. Crew, family, surfing, yoga, & Italy all tickle me pink.

A day is not complete without a to-do-list, coffee, a run and an Instagram.

Top-knots are my signature hair-do but as are blow-outs.

It’s safe to call me a health-nut.
I’m that girl whose soul food is oatmeal and splurges on double helpings of broccoli.

I always try to see the positive side of situations, "I just like smiling, smiling's my favorite".

Enthusiasm, optimism. & kindness fuel me.

All these things make me, me.

But the key detail to know about me is my Faith and walk with God.

That’s why I love sunsets & why beautiful things make me smile because in a magnificently created world like this, what reason don’t I have to be a soul filled with joy.


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